Yes, All Is New =============== w: Lorna B. Gray, 2006 m: Bob Sorem, 2009 [Verse 1] When day is young and shadows deep are paling with the sunlight seep; when magpies' warbles have been heard, and "kookies" laugh at things absurd; when from the sea's horizon line warm sunlight glows~ as yet benign~ when dewjew'ls glisten in the grass and wobble there as beetles pass; when I have food and I am free~ before me, opportunity~ then all is new! Yes, all is new! [Verse 2] When sleep has brought my body rest~ oasis for the daily stressed~ when I have slept with sin forgiv'n~ the mercy-gift of God in heav'n~ when I awake to hear His voice say, "In the past each silly choice! Forgotten all your failings done, repented-one who loves my Son. This day I give with surface clear. Just do your best for Me, my dear," then all is new! Yes, all is new! [Verse 3] When life is past down here for me~ though clouded now in mystery, 'tis just a step in through a door where God is living evermore. My hope is in Christ's pure blood shed. (I could not pay. He paid instead, that I should waken to behold heav'n's treasures greater far than gold, where love and purity do reign and nevermore is sin again; and all is new!) Yes, all is new!