We Remember (Fraction Rite/Communion Song) =========== w&m: Marty Haugen, 1980 [Fraction Rite:] [Verse 1] Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us, mercy on us. [Verse 2] Bread of Life, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us, mercy on us. [Final Verse] Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: grant us your peace, grant us your peace. [Interlude] [Communion Song:] [Refrain] We remember how you loved us to your death, and still we celebrate, for you are with us here; and we believe that we will see you when you come in your glory, Lord. We remember, we celebrate, we believe. [Set A, Verse 1] Here, a million wounded souls are yearning just to touch you and be healed. Gather all your people, and hold them to your heart. [Refrain] [Set A, Verse 2] Now we recreate your love, we bring the bread and wine to share a meal. Sign of grace and mercy, the presence of the Lord. [Refrain] [Set A, Verse 3] Christ, the Father's great "Amen" to all the hopes and dreams of ev'ry heart, Peace beyond all telling, and freedom from all fear. [Refrain] [Set B, Verse 5] When we eat this bread, when we drink this cup, we proclaim your death until you come in glory. [Refrain] [Set B, Verse 6] Jesus, bread of life, broken for the world, praise to you who comes to feed your hungry people. [Refrain] [Set B, Verse 7] Jesus, cup of joy, God's own life poured out, in this meal you give yourself for our redemption. [Final Refrain]