I Will Praise Your Name (Psalm 145) =================================== w&m: Timothy R. Smith, 1996 [Refrain] I will praise your name forever, my king and my God. [Repeat Refrain] [Verse 1] Gracious and merciful is the Lord, slow to anger, full of love. The Lord is good in ev'ry way, merciful to ev'ry creature. [Refrain] [Verse 2] Let your works praise you, O Lord, your faithful ones bless you. Let them proclaim your glorious reign, let them tell of your might. [Refrain] [Verse 3] Let them make known to all your might and glorious reign. Your dominion lasts forever, your rule for all generations. [Refrain] [Verse 4] The eyes of all look with hope to you, and you give them food in due season; you open your hand and you quench the desire of ev'ry living thing. [Refrain] [Verse 5] The Lord is just in ev'ry way and holy in all his works. The Lord is near to all who call, who call out in truth. [Refrain]