As Christ Is For Us =================== w&m: Janet Sullivan Whittaker, 2011, 2016 [Verse 1] In the bread we share with the hungry, in the help we give to the poor, in the kindness we show to the stranger we find Christ the open door. [Refrain] So we rise with him each morning, and we work, as work we must, to be Christ for others as Christ is for us, to be Christ for others as Christ is for us. [Verse 2] May the bread we share give us courage to restore the earth in this time. For the sake of our children's descendants let us honor God's ancient design. [Refrain] [Bridge] And as we care for each other so must we care for our home: air that we breathe, waters that run, flowing with life for the good of all. [Verse 3] May the bread we share keep us mindful and the fruit of the vine make us one. Let the whole human fam'ly together heed the cry of our island home. [Refrain]